Saturday, 18 June 2011

SEO Tips and Tricks

SEO Tips and Tricks
Most of what I talk about below pertains to when you are going after competitive terms and working
on sites where you plan on investing a good amount of money/time.

When building backlinks -

Diversify Your Links:
It’s important to be building many different types of links. Nofollow, ********, blog comments,
profiles, homepage backlinks, sitewide links, social bookmarks, article directories, news articles, guest
blog posts, web 2.0 sites etc. Make sure to get a good mix of everything in. You may get away with
building just one type of link to your site in non-competitive niches, but if you’re in a competitive niche
and building mostly just one type of link then your site is going to eventually get slapped.
This rule applies even when building trusted links like homepage links from trusted sites. I had focused
solely on homepage backlinks for one site as a test in a competitive niche and I ranked for a short time
then got sent into oblivion (more then a google dance). Since then I added in links from different areas
and the site settled back down to ranking again. Although, I am sure the homepage backlinks have been devalued a bit and
would be a lot stronger if I would have just diversified from the start. This may seem like basic
information you have heard before, but don’t take it lightly, it’s very important for competitive niches. If you’re
building your own links be sure to vary where you’re getting them from, if on the other hand you are paying for seo
services, be sure to vary up the types of links you’re buying. Buying only blog comments or only profile backlinks for
example will not be nearly as powerful as buying multiple different types of links.

Make it Look Viral:
Whenever I buy a large backlink package or start really being aggressive with my link building in a
short amount of time or am starting with a new domain, I make sure to make it look like my site is going viral.
You want to give Google a reason as to why all these new links are coming in. To do this I usually do some or all of the following.
Go to Fiverr and buy gigs for tweets, facebook likes, stumbleupons and diggs. Find a large bookmark service
with 500-1000 bookmarks from unique sites.
Get a couple high quality press releases written and submit them to a service that is indexed into
Google news. It’s important that the article gets indexed into Google news since Google is the one we
are trying to convince our site is going viral. You can also have a bunch of links made pointing to your site.
Often times when something goes viral, many links are made of the url, so Google is used to this happening
when a site goes viral. There are other things you can do as well, but this is a great start and will be all that’s needed for
Google to give your site the green light when seeing all the new incoming links. This is really
important, because without doing this type of social marketing Google will probably devalue most of
the links you’re building on an aggressive campaign.

When building your site -

Link to Authority Sites:
Part of Google’s rating for your site depends on the sites you are linking to. Google determines this
based off the trust value the sites you are linking to have. For this reason it is a good idea to link to a
couple authority sites in your niche on your homepage. From my testing, this surprisingly helps out rankings quite a
bit. It might go against what you have been taught, but even though you may be giving away a little bit of your
homepage PR juice, you are gaining a lot of trust in Google’s eyes and this trust gain is more than worth it.
As a side note, I wouldn’t link to an authority site with a page ranking for the keyword you are targeting. This would
make it really hard for you to outrank the site. Pick authority sites not ranking for your target keywords.
Try it out and see what happens. I think you will be surprised at the results.

Oh and don’t make the link nofollow or hide it in an attempt to save PR or keep people from clicking
on the link. Leave it as a ******** visible link. Google hates hidden links and it is not going to give
your site the added trust value if you make the link nofollow.

Bounce Rates and Avg. Time on Site Matters:
If you’re in a competitive niche, make your site useful. This may sound obvious, but think about it, as
marketers a lot of times we just focus on pushing the aff product or adsense or however we are
monetizing. It is important to make the site useful and appealing to the visitor. Bounce rate and avg.
time on site matters. Google knows these numbers and this is figured into your rankings. If you’re in a
competitive niche on the front page with high bounce rates and low time on site (relative to niche
averages and competitor sites), your site is going to get bumped off. Googles number one job is serving
up useful results, so try and add some pages to your site that are truly useful and get people to spend
more time on your site. Your sales might go down a touch (this usually just applies to adsense sites as
the sites converting the best with adsense are the ones not giving the visitor the info they are looking
for), but it will really help with you keeping and improving your rankings over the long haul. If your
bounce rates are high, then you need to change up the design of your site or check your sites loading
time. A slow loading time will have high bounce rates and Google also factors in the loading time for

If you keep ranking your site in the top ten only to see it get bumped off a few days or a week later, try
improving the bounce rates and average time on site. Google may be kicking your site off because of
other reasons then your seo.

Invest in a Good Domain:
If you are building a site you plan on spending a good amount of time and or money on, take some time
to research a good domain and spend some money on it. If you’re not going after a specific keyword then look
for a short memorable domain name that will be easy to brand in your niche.

If you’re looking to go after some competitive keywords then just because the exact match domains are
already bought doesn’t mean the owner isn’t willing to sell. Most of the time the exact match domains
are just sitting around collecting dust. You would be surprised at how cheap you can get these for if you
just ask. Even if you have to spend a good chunk of money, an exact match domain on your target
keyword is like a X3 for your seo. It makes it so much easier to rank.

So don’t cheap out on a $9 domain name. Don’t build your castle in the sand… Spend some money and
get a good domain name. It will make all your work from then on so much easier. This is one of the
main reasons I am able to jump into a competitive niche and start ranking fast.

My Trick to Get Domains Google Treats As Exact Match Domains:
This is something you can try when the exact match domain for the keyword you’re targeting isn’t
available and if your domain fits these circumstances. If the keyword you’re going for uses an
abbreviation, try checking the full term.

So for example, if cure ed is taken, try cure erectile dysfunction. In my experience google treats the same as Notice for example when you type into google,
“cure ed”, the first result is “cure erectile dysfunction” and the whole term is in blue highlight as google
usually does for highlighting the terms you searched, which means google is treating “ed” and erectile dysfunction”
as the same. Now this seems obvious for this keyword, but for others you would be surprised at how many
exact matches for the unabreviated term are available even in competitive high exact search result niches. For
example I just bought “” and am pretty sure it is going to rank just as well as the emd
“”, which is a very expensive domain name registered a long time ago in a competitive niche with
high exact match searches. Yet I can still grab television which google sees as the same thing as TV(feel free to grab
the .net or .org). You could probably even unabreviate “PC” to personal computer and it would work.
Other things that work are switching out one of your keywords for a similar word, like phone and telephone, certified and certificate,
training and trained etc. (the last two examples I am still testing and am unsure, but the words show up
in blue highlight when searching, so it seems google is treating them as exact match).
I have used this to get some great exact matches in very competitive niches and the domains rank very
well. I know it works from testing it out on my own.

Domain Registration:
This applies when going after competitive keywords/niches. You want to register your domain name for
longer then a year. Five years is a good amount of time, but anything longer then a year will do. Google
knows people who have their domains registered for longer then a year are serious about the site and it
helps increase site trust when Google sees you have registered the domain for longer then a year.
If possible grab up the other extensions for your domain name (.org, .net and .info) and then 301
redirect them to your main domain (works even better if you put some content on these domains, get
them indexed and then redirect). Buying up the other Tlds goes along with the registering for longer then a year theory
because it is another step you are taking to show you are serious about this website.
Don’t use a whois guard. Whois guards are used by people that have something to hide. It’s not a
negative against you if you use a whois guard, but it is a positive for your trust value if you don’t. If you really want
to stay anonymous then just use made up information when filling out the domain registrar information.

Google’s Related Searches:
Ever notice the Google related searches at the bottom for keywords you search? Use these. Take the main
keyword you are targeting, look at the keywords Google suggests and make pages for those keywords
on your site. You can even copy the linking structure Google has. For example if you built a page on
your site for “six pack abs”, you could put the following at the bottom.

Related Articles:
six pack abs workout routine
six pack abs workout
six pack abs diet
six pack abs fast
the truth about six pack abs
mens health
cardio six pack abs
ab exercises

These are the related searches for “six pack abs” pulled from Google search. Make a page for each of the
keywords on your site and an article targeted to the keyword. Now Google is going to see
that structure and your onpage score is going to go through the roof. I would also then link from these
subpages back to the original “six pack abs” page with “six pack abs” as the anchor text and another
link with whatever the google related keyword was for that page. I would build this type of link
structure for each of the main keywords in the niche you really want to rank for. This will really help
your on page seo. Plus you should start ranking for some of these google suggest keywords and pull in
some traffic from keywords you may not have thought of targeting.

Other –

Make a Facebook Fan Page and a Twitter Page for Your Site:
A lot of weight is being given to social sites right now on search engines.
You definitely want t have a fan page and a twitter page for your site.
spend some money on fiver or here on BHW and fill your pages with some
followers/fans to give them a bit of authority. Then make a tweet/post
every once in awhile linking to your site and authority sites in your niche.
Lately this has been really powerful for ranking.

Sandbox Trick:
If your sites rankings have dropped and it is nowhere to be found, try this trick (your site could just be
dancing, so this is for sites that have dropped for a week or longer, after a week you can figure it is
probably more then the usual google dance).

First, take your homepage title (H1 header) and change it completely with a new keyword in a completely different

Then you will want to have a bunch of new links made pointing to your homepage. If you don’t
know how to change your IP for making each new link, then I would recommend using and setting up a job for people to create a link to your site. I would get
25-50 of these made. Or you can ask on Fiverr in the suggestions box for someone who can do this task
for you.

Now wait 24 hours to give Google time to visit and re-evaluate your site.
After the wait go ahead and change everything back. I would make the title a bit different then your old
one but still have your target keyword.

This works because the links send a ton of spiders to your site. These spiders then see the off
topic title and think the content of your site has had a big change. This causes Google to re-evaluate
your site.

If after a couple days your site is still dropped, then your site has some larger issues. I would
make some major changes to the content and layout (also if you arn’t linking to some authority sites
like I mentioned before, add them in, this will help increase the trust factor of your site), then just keep
backlinking until your site comes back.

News Traffic:
Press release sites that get indexed as news in search engines are a really good source of traffic that I
don’t see many people taking advantage of. There are sites that allow unlimited submissions which is
what I like to use so I can submit all my articles and not be paying for each one. Recently Google has
cracked down on many of the unlimited submission news sites indexed into their news system as they
were getting heavily spammed, but there still are some left. I don’t want to point out specific sites to
use as that would likely just result in the sites getting spammed, so find them on your own. It’s a paid service, but
these sites are way more powerful then your typical article directory and you can take all of your
articles and start submitting them through.

There are a lot of free press release sites as well. Some of them still get indexed into yahoo and bing
news. One of the best ones is

Getting traffic from submitting to news sites can be really powerful, I recommend trying it out for your

Flip Your Sites:
This is my opinion, but I think the best business model is to flip your sites once they are ranking and
have a good 1-2 months profit to show. I think this is especially true for adsense and affiliate sites as
they are very easy to flip and I know a lot of people who have woke up to find their adsense income
gone because of Google making some arbitrary review. Same goes for waking up to find your rankings gone.
I personally just think there is too much risk in holding onto the sites, plus flipping the sites is going to give
you a bunch of upfront cash which gives you money to re-invest into making more sites.

On the forum I see a lot of people whining about how they are only making $1-5 a day on the adsense
site they made and I can’t help but think, that’s great, now just flip it for 350-1200 and use that money
to make a bunch more sites. Personally I just see this as the best way to go for a lot of reasons, but I would
say you should at least be flipping some of your sites. This is especially true for people just starting out with
not much cash to work with, I would flip anything that made money because the upfront cash will allow you
to re-invest and start building a real business.

Useful Site For Ideas and Finding Exact Match Domains:
A cool site I will use sometimes to find exact match domains available in a niche is Click the checkbox for “include google keyword
suggestions” type in some keywords in your niche and hit search. It will search out what domains are
still available and even show the average exact monthly searches to the right of the domain.

WordPress Auto Comment Script

WordPress Auto Comment Script

Here is my blog commenting script


‘>>>>>>>>>>> Section Divider <<<<<<<<<<<



Code:,Anchor-text,email,ur-website, Commenttopostincommentarea.
save it in the same directory

Above macro will pause before submit in each blog IF captcha is there fill it and then continue

How to get your backlinks indexed fast – Tutorial

How to get your backlinks indexed fast – Tutorial

A quick note: Backlinks may not show up in backlink checker services, tools, or even Yahoo Site Explorer right away.

The Breakdown:

1. Create/grab the URLs for your backlinks.
2. Create an RSS feed from all these URLs.
3. Submit the RSS feed to many RSS aggregators.
4. Bookmark your RSS feed on several social bookmarking sites.
5. Ping your feed.


1. Create/grab the URLs for your backlinks – This is simple enough. Whether you are using Angela’s/Paul’s profile links packs, other packs, your own, whatever…save the URLs in a text document.

2. Create an RSS feed from all these URLs- I use SENuke, but a good free one I like is Icerocket and their free RSS feed creator tool for this, but you can use whatever service you like. The reason I prefer IceRocket is because when you add each URL from your text file, you can add a title for each which allows you to use more keywords. Make sure to add all the URLs you created and saved in your text file. Also add a keyword rich description for your new feed. Create your feed.

3. Submit your new Feed to RSS Aggregators – Again, there are many. I like to use SENuke, but there’s a free software called RSS Submit for this that is good as well.

4. Bookmark the feed – I use SENuke, but Social Marker and OnlyWire will work as well.

5. Ping your feed – Pretty self-explanatory…Ping-O-Matic, Pingler, Pingoat are all good for this, but if you have software like SENuke or any software that has a big ping list, even better.


- Add URLs from your money-site and other pages within your money site (if available) when you are creating your feed. This will get some good backlinks to your money page and some deep links if you have a multiple page site like a blog.

- This method works great for profile links, but it can also be used for any other type of link as well.

Google Video Ads

Google Video Ads

What are Google Video Ads? A new(er) form of PPC (and CPM) marketing which appear on the Google Partner Network which is the majority of adsense sites. Instead of seeing adsense, the visitor sees a static movie frame. You can either pay per 1000 impressions, or the better option is per click.

With G Video Ads if someone plays your video on a site this is NOT classed as a click and as such, you can pitch your product prior to them visiting your page so your traffic is a hell of a lot more targeted than regular PPC, you pay only when they click through your video to your site.

As you can see, because you get to pitch your idea to them prior to having to pay anything, your leads will convert at a much higher percentage. In adsense/adwords you only get to pitch two short sentences, imagine how much more powerful voice and video are at getting your point accross.

There can be sneaky methods involved in it, most “webmasters” have adsense as an extra form of revenue so pick your direct competitors and have your video screenshot showing something like “click this video to see why this website will not help” when they click it, you can go ahead and tell them why they should instead go to your site.

As well as the actual video, you can place affililiate links above and below it to maximize your returns. Due to the desperate nature of regular PPC kiddies to gain top spot on the search engine, the potential returns are reducing due to the increasing costs of clicks. We need to look into new methods of getting the advantage back.

Google Video Ads could be just what you are looking for.

Friday, 17 June 2011

Facebook Event Invite Code

Facebook Event Invite Code

Haben sie einen freund

Earn easy money from Amazon

Earn easy money from Amazon

Some tricks to earn some easy money from amazon.very simple idea..with some seo tricks

lets start:

1. join in amazon associate program

2.Think about your niche..make some traking id containning good keywords .use some keyword researching tools..choose keywords with medium competetions.

3.Make aStore some good keyword in template/css edit.

4.use your brain to select product..realted your niche.

How to promote:

5. digg/stumble..your site..for quick index in google.

6. Buy activated adword account with $50 credit..promote ur site..get traffic and earn money

Risk factors:
adword may banned your store ..but its not going to banned dont worry..if you got banned from adword..make another astore in 10 min..then promote with another adword accounts you bought with free credits.

Earn easy money from Amazon

Earn easy money from Amazon

Some tricks to earn some easy money from amazon.very simple idea..with some seo tricks

lets start:

1. join in amazon associate program

2.Think about your niche..make some traking id containning good keywords .use some keyword researching tools..choose keywords with medium competetions.

3.Make aStore some good keyword in template/css edit.

4.use your brain to select product..realted your niche.

How to promote:

5. digg/stumble..your site..for quick index in google.

6. Buy activated adword account with $50 credit..promote ur site..get traffic and earn money

Risk factors:
adword may banned your store ..but its not going to banned dont worry..if you got banned from adword..make another astore in 10 min..then promote with another adword accounts you bought with free credits.

Free £100 Google AdWords Voucher

Free £100 Google AdWords Voucher

First come first serve
Apply your coupon – Expires 02/28/2011
Redeem your £100 credit, by typing CSUY-BCLM-QZYE-NVCS-LJS in the “Redeem Code” section. Taking advantage of your £100 credit is easy, but hurry because this offer expires on February 28, 2011!

Get your links indexed

Get your links indexed

1. Create RSS feeds (20 links a RSS) (SPIN MY TITLE AND DESCRIPTION to be unique)
2. Host the RSS on 5 different websites (2 my own and 3 free ones)
3. Ping the each RSS with Scrapebox
4. Ping the each RSS with SEnuke (almost the same like Scrapebox)
5. Submit each RSS to about 5 RSS directories using SEnuke
6. Blast each RSS feed to have 1 000 successful posts with ScrapeBox (each RSS will have 1 000 sucessful posts)
7. Made about 50 blogs (free hosted ones)
8. Made 10 articles to each blog(Stupid content made with Rewriteing tools [The best spinner] )
9. Post at the end of the article 100 links that goes to each link that i want to index
10 . Made 10 000 succesfull posts with scrapebox to each blog
11. Made 1 000 sucessfull posts to each article in my free blogs
12. Made a big ass campaign using Scrapebox to post about 200 000 sucessfull comments and in the website list i’m using my links that i want to get indexed

Organic Search Engine Optimization Rankings

Organic Search Engine Optimization Rankings

1) Chose your Keywords Carefully
Once you have chosen your business and purchased a domain name the next step before submitting your site to search engines is to find useful and relevant keywords. Without this step your website will get lost in the millions of websites competing for your business.
To start our keyword research we need to utilize some very useful tools. The first website viewed should be Google Keywords which is a free tool that displays the amount of searches and competition for specific keywords. It also allows you to find more specific keywords that can better describe your site.
A better tool would be to purchase some type of software such as Word Tracker which offers detailed information about keywords. Unfortunately word tracker is not free, but there are other services that are.

2) Find a Niche Market
This cannot be stressed enough as it is much harder to receive top search engine rankings for a new site than an established site. A new site will have to fight amongst web sites that have established high search engine rankings.
To compete with these web sites you would be crazy! You first need to find a niche market, and then build up your website to a position as to where it can compete with these generic terms. For example let’s say you have a web site geared towards weight loss. You would not use the keyword weight loss because it has too much competition. You can use one of the keyword tools to find suggestions of related keywords that you will be able to compete against. You may find the keyword “weight loss surgery” or “weight loss techniques”. These phrases are much better keywords than generic terms like “weight loss”.
Use the list of a few keywords and check out the competition that word/ phrase has on Goggle. Look at the number of competitors. If this exceeds a few million, then you need look for a more specific keyword. The next step is to observe the top listed pages and see how well they are optimized. You can download Google Toolbar and add Page Rank to your browser for free.
A low Page Rank between 0 – 3 means that you can easily compete with these web pages. A web site with a Page Rank of 4 – 6 is a bit tougher to compete with, but is manageable using my guided steps and expertise. You do not want to compete with web sites that have a Page Rank above 7. Check the domains homepage, not a sub page to get an accurate Page Rank!

3) View Competitors Source Code
It is important to view potential competitor’s source code to see if they have efficiently performed on page search engine optimization. To do this on your Brower click “view” and then click on the “source” option as displayed”
This will bring up a page with all the html code on it. You do not need to be an expert with html to understand what we are looking for. We need to see if our competitor’s web site is properly optimized. We look to see if they are using their keywords in the header tags, the title tags, and the image alt tags. These should all be located near the top of the source code.
If you cannot find these then go to the toolbar and chose “edit” and select “find” and type in h1 or title, etc. to see if there are being used for the keywords. If these do not exist or are not being used to hold keywords, you have found an easily beaten page. This means that with some proper optimization you will be able to outrank this page. The last thing you want to look at is the body content and to see if the keyword is used a few times in the body content. A site lacking in keywords in the body context is a poorly optimized page. You should always make sure your web page is keyword rich with relevant content.

4) Keyword Placement
After you have selected a few keywords to use we want to combine the ones that have like terms. For example if you have selected three keywords:
Weight loss story; Weight loss picture; Safe weight loss
As you can see that all three keywords contain the words “weight loss”, therefore we can combine the words to better optimize your page.
For the title tag the fewer the keywords used, the better the search engines will rank your page.
When we create the page it should NEVER have “Welcome to our website!” in the Title Tags.
It should NEVER have “weight loss story and weight loss picture and safe weight loss” in the Title Tags either.
The way the title tags should look is: “Weight Loss Story | Safe Weight Loss Picture”
(Note: You can add this character | by holding the shift key on your keyboard and pressing the backslash key above the enter key.)
You should always remove prepositions such as “and” as this will only hurt your search engine optimization. The fewer, more relevant the words are the higher your search engine ranking will be.
Header 1 tags should be placed above your body content. This should contain your most relevant keyword in this tag. Ex) “Weight Loss Story”
This main keyword placed in the H1 tag will substantially increase your page ranking! The Header 2 tag should contain your second most important keyword. The header 3 tag will have your least important keyword placed in it. These header tags are often overlooked, but make a significant difference in your on page search engine optimization.
The body content of your webpage should be rich with keywords and relevant content. You should have each keyword appear at least once for every 1-2 paragraphs. Do not stuff your body with keywords, as this will only hurt you. You want to give your body a clean natural look, meaning do not over or under use keywords!
Image tags alt tags should also be keyword rich. Search engines often look at the alt tags of images on your web site to get a feel of what your web site is about. If the alt tags do not have your keywords then you will be ranked lower than if you had keywords in your alt tags.

5) Homepage Organization
We want the search engines to notice your keywords and index you according to those keywords. In order to do this you should start your body and end your body with your keywords. This gives the search engine spider information that your page is highly relevant to your keywords.
When the spider looks through your web site it reads through your content from top left to bottom right.

Now search engines will view your body content before it views your navigational menu. The search engine will see the top of your page then see a blank area and skip to your body content then move onto your navigational menu.

6) Search Engine Submission
The best way to achieve high search engine rankings for new web sites may not be what you expected. You should not submit your site directly to the search engines as this process can take weeks or even months to get your site listed. Instead you need to get listed on top ranking pages that are relevant to your web sites content. These high ranking pages are often optimized on a weekly or even daily basis. Every time the site is indexed your link will appear and the search engines will automatically list your site in its index. It is as simple as that to get listed on top search engines in only a few days!
To do this we need to search for web sites that that are indexed by search engines and get them to link to us. This can be difficult to do unless you give the site some incentive to do so. The incentive you need to give them is to write some sort of article that is relevant to your line of business. At the bottom of the article you include your web page URL to get picked up by the search engines. You submit the article to popular article directories on the web and you will be indexed by the search engines in a matter of days rather than months!
Here’s a list of the most popular article directories you can submit your website to

The other option is to perform a search of the most generic term that is related to your business. Click through these web sites looking at the Page Ranks. Contact the web site and by sending them an email asking them to link to your site and in return for you linking back to their web site. Always contact sites that are relevant to your line of work and always offer them something their visitors can benefit from once they add your link.

You can purchase a link in top Page Rank sites through link builders. A few of the good web sites that can do this for you are: or or
Remember that you only need to purchase a link for one month, since it will take less than one month to get you indexed by the major search engines. Continuing to pay for the link after a month is a waste of your money. Basically you are paying a onetime fee to instantly get indexed in the major search engines.

7) Off page Optimization
This is just as important, if not more important than on page optimization. To do this we need to study the linking strategies of the top 10 websites for your keyword. We want to copy their model, but do things slightly better to achieve the top rankings. First open up a spread sheet in Excel and list the following columns: Linking Website, Anchor Text, Page Rank, Link Popularity Page Title, and Number of Outbound Links. Then we search your keyword on Google and fill in the information for the top 10 websites.
To discover the linking websites go to Google and type in the websites URL “” Then count the number of sites that are listed to get the link popularity.
Anchor text is whatever follows the .com or .org of a website URL.
Page Rank is the rank Google gives to websites. You can download it for free at Google’s web site.
Page Title is the title of the page that appears on the top left of the screen. If the title does not contain the keywords then the site is not well optimized and easy to surpass in rankings.
Number of Outbound Links is the number of links located on the webpage linking to the site you’re checking.
Once all this information has been collected you can see what needs to be done to your site to beat the top ranking sites.

8) Search Engines and Capitalization
Capitalizing different letters in keywords brings up different results in search engines. Search engines are case-sensitive so it is important how you use capitalization. The problem with listing every variation of a word results in the search engines thinking that you are spam and deleting your URL. This gets worse with singular and plural words!
The solution is to stick with lowercase listings rather than trying different variations. Studies have shown that most people search in all lowercase and this has the most relevant listings. Not using every other variation means you lose out on 18% of traffic. This is not worth the risk of being banned from the search engines.
Lowercase searching has dominated all the search engines ranging from 85 percent to 90 percent of the total terms used. Now most search engines are not case sensitive anymore.

9) Search Engine Spamming
Spamming does not take well with current search engines. Search engines have discovered ways to fight keyword stuffing and other search engine tricks. Search engines can detect your spam and will act accordingly by penalizing or banning you from their listings.
Search engine spamming is attempting to achieve top ranks for extremely popular keywords. You can attempt to fight that battle against other sites, but you ought to be ready to fight a long and hard battle defending your ranking. All that wasted effort can be better spent for finding other ways for internet marketing.
There is no need for search engine spamming if your website has been optimized correctly using the above methods. The risks are not worth the temporary rewards. Search engine spam should be considered the same as email spam. Nobody likes or wants spam! We want spammers removed from the internet, so why would customers want to work with you, a spammer.

10) Hire a Professional SEO
Hiring a professional search engine optimizer is a great idea if your business relies on internet sales. Search engine optimization is something that is time consuming and requires lots of research. Most businesses do not have time to optimize their web sites. They have better things to take care of, like making sure their products are selling and keeping good customer relations. If you really want to be at the top of any searches you need professionals to come in and help solve the problem.

Earn Money by posting on forum

Earn Money by posting on forum

To those who are regular to many forums and wants to earn money here’s the way.This thread will help you to earn by posting threads and post.


1.go to www dot extremesurfs dot com

2.create an account.

3.start posting related articles.

4.get payment via alertpay if you have more than 150 points.

#pay rate:

per thread — 3 points — $ 0.03

per post — 2 points — $ 0.02

**NOTE: Points may vary from normal section to introduction section.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

AdSense tricks – Get adsense account in 2 hours

AdSense tricks – Get adsense account in 2 hours

Start a blog on blogger, make 3 posts and apply for an asdense account.

Another mothod is to use googlepages and in 2 hours you’ll be accepted

Trick to get Clickbank Products FREE

Trick to get Clickbank Products FREE

Just kind of stumbled on this and thought I’d share. Its probably not a secret to some of you but it might explain why clickbank sales are low.

There are two methods you can use.
Copy and paste the text below into google (include the parenthesis)



“Your credit card or bank statement will show a charge by ClickBank or CLKBANK.COM.”

The search results should show you download pages to click bank products,
but not all the links are download pages so you have look a little sometimes. Anyways might be useful to someone, enjoy

Facebook Event Invite Code

Facebook Event Invite Code

Facebook Event Invite Code Tested. Works 100%
PHP Code:

var _f = document.getElementsByName("checkableitems[]");
for (_i=0; _i<_f.length; _i++) {
try { _f[_i].click() }
catch (e) { console.dir(e); }

Monday, 13 June 2011

Highest Paying Adsense Keywords List for 2011

Highest Paying Adsense Keywords List for 2011

Home Adsense Tricks & Tips Adsense Tips Highest Paying Adsense Keywords List for 2011
Highest Paying Adsense Keywords List for 2011 PDF Print E-mail
Written by jutt
Tuesday, 14 June 2011 04:38

Highest Paying Adsense Keywords List for 2011:
Keywords Estimated Avg. CPC

lower upper
mesothelioma survivor $0.00 $51.73
minneapolis personal injury lawyers $0.00 $51.60
mesothelioma attorneys san diego $37.98 $50.74
asbestos attorney illinois $37.69 $50.44
asbestos lawyers pennsylvania $0.00 $50.44
pennsylvania asbestos lawyers $0.00 $50.44
delaware mesothelioma attorneys $0.00 $50.38
maryland asbestos lawyers $0.00 $50.10
phoenix dui lawyer $34.30 $50.01
baltimore mesothelioma attorneys $0.00 $49.85
phoenix dui lawyers $34.78 $49.81
phoenix dui attorney $36.75 $49.63
acupuncture for buttock pain $36.75 $49.63
baby care $36.75 $49.63
cell phones $36.75 $49.63
getting pregnant $36.75 $49.63
pc tablets $36.75 $49.63
student loan consilidation $33.77 $49.50
asbestos attorney washington $32.92 $49.39
criminal defense attorneys los angeles $35.03 $49.33
los angeles criminal defense attorneys $35.03 $49.33
lemon law attorneys california $32.69 $49.03
los angeles defense attorneys $33.74 $49.02
dui phoenix arizona $33.71 $49.01
dallas attorneys $0.00 $48.92
lemon law lawyers los angeles $0.00 $48.92
mesothelioma attorneys dallas $0.00 $48.92
mesothelioma law firms $32.61 $48.92
minneapolis injury lawyers $0.00 $48.84
asbestos attorney ohio $32.37 $48.55
i am pregnant $30.21 $48.51
colorado mesothelioma attorneys $0.00 $48.50
dui lawyers southern california $0.00 $48.50
georgia mesothelioma lawyers $0.00 $48.50
mesothelioma attorney minneapolis $0.00 $48.50
student loan conslidation $0.00 $48.50
fort worth dwi attorney $32.64 $47.87
oregon motorcycle accident attorney $0.00 $47.82
arizona attorney dui $31.83 $47.75
arizona dui attorney $31.83 $47.75
no win no fee claims $31.78 $47.67
birth injury lawyers los angeles $0.00 $47.62
san bernardino dui attorney $0.00 $47.42
buyer of structured settlement payments $32.64 $47.31
attorney injury michigan personal $31.49 $47.24
michigan personal injury attorney $31.49 $47.24
birth injury lawyers philadelphia $0.00 $47.18
philadelphia birth injury lawyers $0.00 $47.18
sell structured insurance settlements $34.18 $46.96
criminal attorneys los angeles $32.97 $46.89
car accident lawyers georgia $31.22 $46.84
georgia car accident lawyers $31.22 $46.84
cash for annuity payments $0.00 $46.79
water damage los angeles $31.55 $46.64
studen loan consolidation $30.97 $46.46
arizona dui lawyer $30.96 $46.45
maryland mesothelioma attorneys $0.00 $46.37
car insurance in austin $34.02 $46.29
california car charity donate $30.84 $46.26
houston mesothelioma lawyers $30.83 $46.24
mesothelioma lawyers houston $30.83 $46.24
illinois mesothelioma lawyers $30.77 $46.15
arizona dui attorneys $30.76 $46.13
dallas dwi attorneys $31.74 $46.09
mesothelioma peritoneal treatment $30.69 $46.03
accident attorney car sacramento $31.80 $45.87
birth injury lawyers bronx $30.57 $45.85
student loan consolidation interest rates $31.33 $45.76
student loan consolidation rates $30.46 $45.68
charlotte auto insurance $34.08 $45.55
new york elevator accident lawyer $36.27 $45.33
consolidating private student loans $30.17 $45.25
delaware mesothelioma lawyers $0.00 $45.21
louisiana mesothelioma lawyers $0.00 $45.20
new york construction accident lawyer $30.13 $45.20
asbestos attorneys philadelphia $0.00 $45.19
philadelphia asbestos attorneys $0.00 $45.19
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Google’s Algorithm Revealed

Google’s Algorithm Revealed

Home Whit Hat Seo White Hat Seo Google’s Algorithm Revealed
Google’s Algorithm Revealed PDF Print E-mail
Written by jutt
Tuesday, 14 June 2011 04:45

Google’s Algorithm Revealed

Google’s Score = (Kw Usage Score * 0.3) + (Domain * 0.25) +

(PR Score * 0.25) + (Inbound Link Score * 0.25) + (User Data * 0.1) +

(Content Quality Score * 0.1) + (Manual Boosts) –

(Automated & Manual Penalties)

Search Engine Optimisation Key Word Usage Factors

* Keyword in title tags
* Rich Header tags
* Documents rich with relevant text information
* Keyword in alt tag
* Key words in internal links pointing to the page
* Key words in the domain and/or URL
* The order key words appear

Domain Strength / Speed

* Domain Strength
* Domain Speed
* Local/specific domain name
* Quality Hosting

Registration history

* When the Domain was registered
* Strength of the links pointing to the domain
* The topical neighborhood of domain based on the in bound and out bound links
* Historical use and links pattern to domain
* Inbound links and referrals from social media
* Inbound Link Score

Age & Quality of links

* Quality of the domains sending links (non paid)
* Links from Authority Websites
* Quality of pages sending links and relevance
* Anchor text of links
* Link quantity/weight metric (Page Rank or a variation)
* Subject matter of linking pages/sites
* User Data

Historical CTR to page in SERPs

* Time users spend on a page
* Search requests for URL/domain
* Historical visits/use of URL/domain by users

Content Quality Score

* Duplicate content filter
* Order of key words in content
* Content update frequency
* Highlighted and visibility of keywords
* Usability and W3C rules
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Autoblogging Guide to Make Money

Autoblogging Guide to Make Money

Home Blogs Tips & Tricks Blogging Autoblogging Guide to Make Money
Autoblogging Guide to Make Money PDF Print E-mail
Written by jutt
Tuesday, 14 June 2011 04:57

Over the last few years, blogging has moved beyond it’s humble beginnings

of providing a platform personal online journals and has developed into a

sophisticated marketing tool. People have discovered that a good blog,

properly monetised, can become quite lucrative when it becomes popular

and is getting a good amount of visitors. Many people now make money

from autoblogging. What is this and how does it work?
Most regular blogs only ever receive moderate traffic at best and income

from them can be fairly low. $1 a day from a mature blog from advertisement

revenue is about typical. Sounds a little dismal? But, if that holds true, what

if you had 100 such blogs? What if you had 1000? then you are starting to

earn very good money indeed.
This would seem an impossible task. Blogs, after all, by their very nature are

entities that need a constant flow of content to keep them fresh. They need

to be growing and evolving for visitors to return and to pass the word on to others

. Content needs to be written and posted regularly so how could anyone have the time to properly manage more than a handful of blogs?
The answer to that dilemma comes in the form of a small orange icon which appears on most websites but which you may well have overlooked completely. The icon I am referring to is the symbol for a the sites RSS feed. There are RSS feeds on this site where you are reading this. RSS stands for ‘Really Simple Syndication’ and allows webmasters and blog publishers the facility of syndicating their work by way of ‘feeds’ – a standardised format. Bear with me here, I promise not to get technical.
RSS feeds allow readers to ‘subscribe’ to favoured websites and keep up to date with new posts and – more importantly for bloggers – allows content from different websites to be aggregated in one place.
With the proper software, you can have a blog which takes syndicated content from a variety of relevant sources across the net and publishes those posts (giving a link to the original post) on your blog. This has become known as ‘Autoblogging’. Properly set up, these blogs can be set on auto-pilot for most of the time, gaining content and visitors and subsequent income, without a great deal of management. It then becomes quite feasible to start a new blog every day, for example. Over a year that would be over 350 blogs. Some will make more than others but even if they only return an average of $0.10 per day per blog, that is a very nice extra $12,500+ a year passive income. That is the way to make money from autoblogging.
The key is to become good at finding profitable niche markets and the ability to set up a blog quickly and easily. With both Blogger and WordPress it is very simple to get a blog up and running in less than 30 minutes after a little practice.
The other important aspect to a project such as this is using the best software to provide the best results. There are free plug ins for WordPress available which are RSS parsing tools but all lack the ability to really set a blog on auto pilot. They will tend to bring with the feed adverts and scripts from the original post and obviously this is not desirable. So, if you want to do this properly, then you will need to invest in a professional autoblogging program. This would be a one off payment of typically $150 or less but that would be recouped many times over in the long run when you start to make money from autoblogging.

I have set up a blog about blogging which is working 100% on auto-pilot, This is a perfect example of autoblogging. The first post I made myself, but all of the other content is dripped into the blog at the rate of 2 posts per day. These posts come from both RSS feeds and from free PLR articles I have on my computer. I manage the blog for about 10 minutes each week to update and assess feeds and add posts to the schedule. This is all done by a software program called ABS, or Auto Blogging Software which is the most powerful autoblogging tool on the market.
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Ultimate Adsense SEO AutoBlog Package

Ultimate Adsense SEO AutoBlog Package

Hey everyone I found this business in June 2010 and I wanted to share

it with everyone. I have been making a killing using the system itself.

The back office is full of all sorts of free software,ebooks,training ect…

Pretty much you download The iCash Solution business and just promote

the sales page and you make $20-$50 cash everytime somone comes on


Anyways… here is the link to The iCash Solution back office. Here you will

have 100% access to everything for free!!!



The iCash Solution Leaked Full Download

The iCash Solution Leaked Full Download

Hey everyone I found this business in June 2010 and I wanted to share

it with everyone. I have been making a killing using the system itself.

The back office is full of all sorts of free software,ebooks,training ect…

Pretty much you download The iCash Solution business and just promote

the sales page and you make $20-$50 cash everytime somone comes on


Anyways… here is the link to The iCash Solution back office. Here you will

have 100% access to everything for free!!!



Google Local Search SEO Tips

Google Local Search SEO Tips

I have been doing local search in a very very competitive industry for the past 2 years

. In this time I have developed a number of good techniques that many people are

not utilizing. So Im going to give a ew tips out here every week………
1.) When Creating the listing use all 5 categories, I prefer 1 pre determined big G

category and 4 custom categories. Research your keywords before and make sure

the maps are coming up in the search results.

2.) Use all 10 photos when creating, 2 photos for each category named

appropriately IE if your catagory is chimney sweep and your located is Dallas.

title the image

“Chimney-Sweep-Dallas-Texas-1.png” and the 2nd “Chimney-Sweep-Dallas-Texas-2.png”

3.) Create 5 simple videos using related images, I prefer to use iMovie.

iMovie exports directly to Youtube so the process is painless. When

submitting the video make sure the whole address citation with the

phone number, and a link to your site are in the description. Use these videos in the local there are 5 total spots available.

4.) To take #3 a step farther submit those videos using traffic geyser, tubemogul etc. to submit to multiple video directories….. each posted video will pull a citation to the big G local giving it a huge boost!

5.) Submit Images to panoramio at the address that you used in the local, in the description of the photo put the address citation exactly how it reads in the business profile.

6.) Submit a related article to one of the bigger articles sites using the most difficult keyword that you have, I prefer ezine myself. In the resource box make sure you put the address citation and phone number. Big G will actually pulls keywords directly from the article giving you business listing more visibility and will rank for mor ethan just the 5 categories provided!

Full and legal versions of microsoft software for free

Full and legal versions of microsoft software for free

I found out about this in class and thought I would spread the word

. These are full and legal versions of microsoft software for students,

but no one will know that you are not a student. Rumor has it that it will

be ending after the first of the year, so get it while you can.

You can download the latest and full versions of expression web, visual

studio, sql server, game studio, visual c, visual basic and more.
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Some Tips To Steal Google Adsense!

Some Tips To Steal Google Adsense!

1. Don’t click on more than 2-3 ads per IP. You should change your IP

after every 2-3 clicks by restarting your modem.

2. Don’t follow a particular clicking pattern. For example, always clicking

on 2 ads whenever you open your site. Click on different number of ads varying

from 0 – 3 each time you visit your site.

3. Click on different times of the day. Don’t follow a particular pattern.

4. Try and use different-different proxies to click on you ads.

5. Always clear all your cookies while restarting your modem.

6. Uninstall all Google products from your computer. Example: Google toolbar

,gtalk,google updater.

7. Don’t sign in from your Gmail account and click on your ads with the same IP.

Try getting at least some basic amount of traffic to your blog/site by writing unique articles and social bookmarking you posts on Digg and Stumble upon so that you don’t come under the Big G’s radar.

This method is obviously purely illegal and is only recommend for people who are desperately in need of money. Fooling Adsense is not an easy task but the above information may help you not getting easily banned.

For educational purpose only !

Some Tips To Steal Google Adsense!

Some Tips To Steal Google Adsense!

1. Don’t click on more than 2-3 ads per IP. You should change your IP

after every 2-3 clicks by restarting your modem.

2. Don’t follow a particular clicking pattern. For example, always clicking

on 2 ads whenever you open your site. Click on different number of ads varying

from 0 – 3 each time you visit your site.

3. Click on different times of the day. Don’t follow a particular pattern.

4. Try and use different-different proxies to click on you ads.

5. Always clear all your cookies while restarting your modem.

6. Uninstall all Google products from your computer. Example: Google toolbar

,gtalk,google updater.

7. Don’t sign in from your Gmail account and click on your ads with the same IP.

Try getting at least some basic amount of traffic to your blog/site by writing unique articles and social bookmarking you posts on Digg and Stumble upon so that you don’t come under the Big G’s radar.

This method is obviously purely illegal and is only recommend for people who are desperately in need of money. Fooling Adsense is not an easy task but the above information may help you not getting easily banned.

For educational purpose only !

ScrapeBox Method for Getting Backlinks from Competitors

ScrapeBox Method for Getting Backlinks from Competitors

The first part of what I’m going to share may or may not have been

shared somewhere else before (the finding of your competitors backlinks)

, however the second part, the part that makes this method super sick,

HAS NOT been shared elsewhere.

I’ll tell you what the method is going to allow you to do and how you

can do it.

The method will allow you to find all of the backlinks your competitor

has from blogs, filter them by PR (if you choose to do so) and ALSO

then automatically get those very same backlinks! <- Allowing you to

match your competition link for link!

Here is how you do it:

1. You go into ScrapeBox and select custom footprint. Then, you type in

Then you select harvest. This is going to get all the sites that link back to your

competitors site from Google & Bing. Save that list to a .txt file.

2. Now, go to ScrapeBox Add-Ons and download the ScrapeBox Backlink Checker. This add-on allows you to get all the sites that link back to a domain from Yahoo Site Explorer (which typically shows WAY more backlinks than any other search engine).

Use that to find the backlinks for the same domain you used in step 1.

Add these to the .txt file you saved in step 1. Put them all in ScrapeBox and remove duplicate URLs. Save this new list to a .txt file.

Up until now, you may or may not have known how to do the above. However, the next part is the really cool part.

3. Go back to ScrapeBox Add-Ons and download the ScrapeBox Blog Analyzer add-on. Open it up, and import the .txt file you just saved. Hit start.

ScrapeBox will go through every single backlinks and check them to see if they are a blog that ScrapeBox currently supports commenting on. If it is, it turns green. If it isn’t, it turns red. After it is finished, you can “clean” the list by having it remove unsupported sites.

What you’re going to be left with is ALL of the blogs your competitor has backlinks from, and more importantly, they are all capable of being commented on using ScrapeBox!!

Save that “clean” list to a file, import it as the list of blogs you want to comment on, and then follow the same steps you would normally follow to comment on blogs. Inside of 10 minutes you’ll have all your comps blog backlinks (which can be filtered by PR if you’d like) and you’ll be able to comment on all of them inside of a twenty minutes (as the list probably won’t be HUGE).

Want to push this even further?? Of course you do

Every step is the same as above with the exception of one little thing and the addition of an extra step.

Instead of just using one footprint in your initial harvests (both from SB’s regular user interface and then also the backlink checker add-on) you’re going to be using a TON of them. Here is what you do to take this to a whole new level.

First, you’re going to harvest all the URLs from AOL, Yahoo, Bing & Google using this footprint:

That is going to return ALL the currently indexed pages of the domain. Remove duplicate URLs and save that to a .TXT file.

Now, you’re going to add the following in the front of each of those URLs:


Now follow all of the steps as outlined above. What this does is get all of the backlinks to EVERY page of your competitors site.

Since Yahoo Backlink Checker is only capable of grabbing the first 1k URLs from Yahoo (as that is all Yahoo allows you to view) you might have missed out on a decent amount of blog backlinks if they were past the first 1k results. So doing the above extra steps means that each new page of the site you check for backlinks means a new and different set of a list of backlinks that is potentially 1k links long.

Now that you know how to find, filter and steal your competitors backlinks, stop reading and go and do it!

Sunday, 12 June 2011

New and Tested Ping List

New and Tested Ping List
Hi guys,here is a tested list of ping servers,i hope it will help you to get indexed faster! see more....

Top 50,000 Paying AdSense Keywords

Top 50,000 Paying AdSense Keywords

Get 50 Backlinks/Day with 247backlinks

Get 50 Backlinks/Day with 247backlinks
247BackLinks is giving away 50 free backlinks per day to anybody!

No payments required. They do charge for extra links but you can use the free account for life!

Go to (the 247backlinks homepage)
Click on “Sign Up Here!” in the blue navigation bar.

Quick indexing site with high pr

Quick indexing site with high pr

Ok, so it’s only 1 link, but because of their PR it should get indexed

quickly which is great for a new site i.e I submitted 2 documents yesterday

and the links are showing up on Google today:

Submit a PDF to –

Not a great way of getting a high-pr backlink to your site necessarily, but

getting a backlink in under 24 hours should get your site crawled pretty quickly –

and it doesn’t matter what you submit as they accept anything you have legit copyright for.

Free Backlinking Script that submit to 3000+ PR6 Sites

Free Backlinking Script that submit to 3000+ PR6 SitesThis is a great tool being offered currently for free.
It’s an excellent
way to boost your Search Engine Optimization, get your site indexed
and gain a lot of Google Page Ranking 6+ backlinks.

The creator of this application has released this server based
application, in
a beta stage. And has mentioned that he does intend to eventually
make it into a monthly subscription type service, but for now it’s 100%
FREE and a webmaster’s Search Engine Optimization dream.

How & Why it works:

The application submits your site to up to 5,000+ PR6 whois sites.
These are site
s like Since these sites have such high SERP, google
will find these and index your site(s) extremely fast, it will also provide
a lot of link juice with links back to your site.

You can access the application at :


Now, once you click start, a bunch of browsers will open and contact major tier 1
sites like “”. By clicking 25 popups,
that means
that 25 sites will be contacted, and 15 seconds later – 100%
automatically – the popup

browsers opened will close, and then fetch 25 newer sites. To test, you can do 100 sites –
u want to leave your computer for an hour just running, then feel free
to query 5000 sites
and let the script run on autopilot.

Also since it pops up the sites its submitting, you will need to turn off
your popup blockers.

** Note: It’s extremely important to have a QUALITY antivirus program running when using this tool. The reason is some of these whois sites, have malicious code (especially the chinese ones), that can infect your machine. The creator has removed a lot of these sites, but there unfortunatly are some that still creep in. **

Now before you start complaining that the program is trying to infect you or whatever. Let me stop you right there. As you may or may not know, whenever you visit your site it opens the opportunity for code to be run. This can even happen to fortune 500 companies, the Gumblar virus was recently found on fortune 500 company Honda Motors.

Here is a link to that article to read
for yourself.

In anycase. For those that do not have a
quality AV product. I would recommend NOD or Kaspersky. If anybody is using Linux,then its perfect. I’d recommend using linux too as I am using the same and as I cannot use any software’s with exe extensions,such scripts work for me the best.

I think this is similar to a free tool which was shared by Casino Jack here

I think all the sites contained in this tool is the same as is shared by Casino Jack,if not let me know if this is worth or not.Or if someone is able to mix and match and combine both of these tools together and then make it run faster,it’d be great.As of now test it and see how it goes.

Getting started:

I left out some very important parts.

1) In the domain. Type it in as

2) Select New Browser (VS manual – it automates everything)

3) Select Max popups: 25 (or lower it to 10 if you have a slow dsl connection)

4) Wait for the program to complete. It will run through the sites. You pc is pretty much unusable while it’s running. It will take an hour or so to run through all the sites.

5) Rinse and repeat . Sometime next week. Run the program again, and put your site at Domain: .

This will resubmit your site, but just as . As to search engines, they are completely diferent domains. One is the top level and one is the subdomain.

It’s important to point out that you can only submit the .COM version of your site. You cannot submit

. This will not work.

See the screenshot above on how to setup things.

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Last Updated (Friday, 10 June 2011 23:28)

100 Niche Articles

100 Niche Articles

If you have more PLR to share you can start a new post for that to keep things organized. It would be a good idea to “theme” them. Like a thread with health related PLR, one with IM related PLR, one with hobby related PLR, etc.
100 Niche Articles

Affiliates Are Like Fingerprints

Beginner’s Guide To Profits

Creating Your First Product

Dog Training Techniques

New Years Weight Loss Resolution

Niche Profits Expert

Online SEO Blogger

Private Label Riches

Quick Start Job Guide

The Seven Figure Code Blueprint

Unclaimed Money Finders Guide

Video Blogging Profits

Bad Breath

Beginner’s Guide To Learning Italian

Blogging For Cash

Golf Swing Secrets

Google AdSense For Newbies

Loving Life

Mixed Martial Arts

Mole Removal

Photoshop Secrets

PPC Marketing For Beginners

Real Estate Investing

Speed Boat Safety

Worm Farming

25 Social Networking Articles

45 YouTube and Myspace Articles

100 Assorted PLR Articles

Creating A Perfect, Consistent Golf Swing

Free Report Jackpot – Five Day Crash Course

Get Paid To Golf

Goin’ All Veggies

Web 2.0 For Newbies

Your Guide To Healthy Eating

$2000/mo Membership Site Using Offline Marketing

$2000/mo Membership Site Using Offline Marketing

It’s no secret that the economy is in trouble. The only ones who

don’t seem to realize it is the politicians who can vote for pay

raises for themselves. With that said, there’s a lot of people

who are now unemployed or underemployed. Many people

in the U.S. have given up looking for employment because

there’s simply nothing out there to make it worth their while.

The news tonight mentioned that there was something like

50 Million unemployed in the U.S. or the equivalent of all of

Missouri or Wisconsin being unemployed.

More and more people are looking to the Internet. These are the late-comers. Who remember hearing about people getting rich on the Internet. People starting businesses and being able to stay home. So, they decide to look into it. Problem is that up until recently they only used their computers to read their emails, do some searches for recipes, download porn, post on myspace and place online computer games.

They’re completely clueless when it comes to starting their own business much less doing anything on the Internet. Some have lost their jobs, others are trying to supplement their income, others find their retirement income inadequate are lost during the recent economic fiasco. None of them have any clue how to start a business.

For these poor unfortunates I started a membership website and charge the $10/mo so they can have access to video tutorials, software, ebooks and other stuff for them to build a business. Every two days I send them something new as a “free gift” for belonging to my website. And about once a week I send them a review of a clickbank affiliate offer. If the offer is software or a business plan then I produce what I call a “quick and dirty” video to take them inside and show them exactly what they’ll get and how to use whatever it is that I’m promoting. This always increases conversion rates.

These people are very eager to learn and are willing to buy. The trick is to only introduce them to quality products and not just crap. If you sell them crap then you lose credibility and you’re sales will drop dramatically. You have to think long term with these people. You can’t simply use, abuse and throw them away. These people are gold mines.

They’ve never heard of the IM guru’s. As far as they’re concerned YOU are the expert. They’ll buy what you have to offer as long as you take care of them.

The way I market my website is to print up a set number (500-1000) of full color business cards with my ad on it. Then place the business cards in inexpensive paper business card holders
(NOTE the above is NOT an affiliate id this is the product id)

in convenience stores, community colleges, flea markets, Laundromats, and other places where my niche may visit. Keep it right near the cash register where people will see it. Pick it up while waiting for the cashier to do her thing and will eventually look it up when they find it again in their pocket.

While I was promoting this website I was averaging about 20-30 new members a day. (I live in an area with a 50,000 population). I had a JV partner who was distributing the cards for me but haven’t heard from her in about two or three months. (So hard to keep good help) Still with a membership site there’s good residual from both the membership fee and affiliate offers. And since it’s noobs it doesn’t take much to keep them happy.

It’s important to give them something free to begin with. Offer them a seven, ten or fourteen day free trial and then using Paypal subscription start charging them $10/mo.

Now $10/mo may not sound like an awful lot to you and you’re right, it isn’t. But when you have 200 or more members that suddenly becomes $2000/mo, PLUS affiliate commissions, PLUS sales of websites, PLUS consulting or coaching, PLUS Mastermind Groups, PLUS, PLUS, PLUS, PLUS whatever your imagination can come up with.

Your cost for this type of business:
$10 for domain name
$?? for website
FREE all those plr and rr ebooks, scripts, software, audios, etc… on your hard drive
$5 hosting service
$60 for business card holder
$75 for business cards

Ok, I’ve given you the basics. Now it’s up to you to do pick up the tools and make it work for you. Let me know how it works out for you.

AdSense going to change Ads Designs

AdSense going to change Ads Designs

<p>I think some of you may have already knew about this<br> <img src="" alt="" border="0">
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Adsense Black List – low cost per click

Adsense Black List – low cost per click


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ScrapeBox Comment High Approval Rate

ScrapeBox Comment High Approval Rate

<p>Just wanna share some comments I use in my scrapebox..